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In postcard marketing, design is the crucial element to getting results. Not only does a good design make a postcard look more eye-catching with striking images, graphics and colors, but it makes your message clearer and easier to understand. Postcards have a higher "read rate" than other direct mail because they are easier to read at a glance and there’s no envelope to open. Trust the professionals to design a postcard which will to grab people’s attention and deliver results, making the most of this two-sided gem.

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a service offered by the U.S. Postal Service which "allows individuals and businesses to target mailers to specific neighborhoods as cost-efficiently as possible, all without a mailing list! Simply put, it’s a great way to reach more customers, increase revenue, while still keeping costs down." The pros at Bell Graphics have designed numerous EDDM postcards – we can help you get there too.